Saturday, September 30, 2006

I Turn Six Today!

Today is my birthday! I turn six!

My mom got some deer meat from a friend of hers who hunts deer. She is going to cook some for me for a special birthday dinner! Also, she might take me to PetSmart and get me a new toy!

Then tomorrow I get to see some of my buddies at a rescue event in Annapolis, fun!

As long as I don't have to wear a hat, I'm happy!


  1. Happy birthday to roooo,
    Happy birthday to rooooo!
    Happy birthday dear Indieeeeeeeeeeee!
    Happy birthday to ROOO!
    Tail wags, love, play bows and luv,
    The Ao4

  2. Indy, I wish you a very happy Happy Birthday and I hope all your wishes come true. Your momma should take you to PetSmart for a new toy, and she should take some piktures of the birthday boy and post them on your blog for us all to see. p.s. If you have leftovers of the deer meat, send some this way.

  3. Happy Barkday Indy :-) You don't look a day over 3 - so I find it hard to believe you are 6 ! Hope you get a nice pressie from Petsmart :-)


  4. Happy Birthday, IndyPindy!!! I hope your day was very special, and I wish you many more to come!

  5. Happy Birthday Indy! You're so lucky, deer meat & you get to go to PetSmart! Our lady won't take us there yet, she says we have to get some of those manner things first, stupid lady, geesh! Hope you have a GREAT day!
    Birthday Licks, M&M

  6. Happy Birfday Indy! I am hoping that this year my parents will give me a birfday since I don't know when it is.


  7. Woooo! Happy Birthday, Indy! Enjoy your feast.

  8. happy happy birfday indy!! i hope you get all the meat you can eat and a cool new skweeky toy too. i dont unnerstand why peepol like to wear hats. it is so silly! dogs know better.

    happy birfday to another one of my favorite huskies!

  9. Hey Indy, have a Happiest Birthday.

  10. Happy birfday Inday :)
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  11. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Happy Birthday Indy! I hope you enjoy your trip to PetSmart- you should tell everyone it's your birthday so you can get more treats! I used to take KC to have a birthday wash and then take her shopping too!

    Many hugs and kisses Indy!


  12. Hey Indy,

    Hope you had a howlin' good B-Day.

    Hats are for dumb humans!

