Friday, January 12, 2007

Vacation Pictures

Cyber-Sibes asked if I had any pictures of me and Amber while I was staying at my Grandma's house. My grandma is not much of a picture-taker, so no pictures of us. But here are some of my mom and dad's vacation pictures.

My mom's Grandma (my great-grandma) turned 95 on January 5th, and she had a beer on New Year's Eve! Hooray Grandma!


  1. What beautiful scenery, we don't have much green out here =( Way to go for your grandma, I barely made it through New Years myself! Here from Michele's blog

  2. Hey Indy,

    Nice pics - even the cat ones.........Ha Ha!

    Thats so cool that your Gammy had a beer :-)

    Luv C-Bux

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Great Grandma! Those pistures would be nicer if you were in them, Indy.

  4. Great Grandma had a wilder New Year's than my Human!

  5. Happy birthday Grandma!!!

    Oh, I just love kitties! I would love to play with those cute little kitties! That bird looks like trouble, though. Star

  6. You've got a feisty grandma if she is drinking beer at age 95!! Did you realize she is 665 years old in dog years? That sure is old!
