Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Cruelty

Christmas is supposed to be all about cheer and family and love, blah blah blah. Well, it isn't. Not for pets with mean mean mommies and daddies.

Today my mom was wrapping a few gifts and I went over to see what she was doing, hoping I could get some paper to rip up. Instead, mom took the stickers off of two of the kitty toys we bought and put them ON MY HEAD.
Click to enlarge

This is totally unacceptable. Not only that, it's CRUEL. And to add insult to injury, the stickers are from cat toys! That makes me look like such a wimp! If they were from Kong toys that wouldn't be so bad! See - you can clearly see that they say "Med Mylar Ball"
Click to enlarge

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  1. Indy,
    If they ring you up with the bar code and it comes out $2.99, I'll buy two of you. How cruel. That fur alone is at least $50. And the singing talent? Priceless.

  2. HEHEHE Oh, sorry Indy! I'm sorry you gots a cruel Mom.....Hope you are all having a very Merry Chrismas!!

  3. Oh Indy really...I'm sure you could find a good hiding place for those stickers...say, on a chair or somethin' so that when a bean sits on it, they'll have it on their hiney! LOL! Try to have a Merry Christmas anyway! At least you didn't have to wear a shtupid santa hat like me.

  4. That is SO not right...and those are price tag scanner things. I hope she doesn't want to sell you! I would put them back on HER! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. Anonymous1:02 AM

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Somebody take away the wine!

