Sunday, December 11, 2005

Humiliation At Husky Christmas Party

The Husky Christmas Party yesterday was so much fun! At one point there were 17 Huskies in one place! Thank goodness there was a nice big fenced yard and a doggie door in the kitchen. We all had fun running around outside, playing, wrestling, and sneaking food off of the buffet table in the kitchen! Cody is very tall and he can just take things right off of the table. The people never figured out who got the plate of crackers off of the table and put it on the kitchen floor! My mom took a picture of the living room full of Huskies.

Of course, the humans did bring out some silly little Santa hats and insisted on humiliating some of us. Thank goodness my mother didn't do it to me, but my new sister Amber and my friend Cody fell victim to the holiday humliation. Cody is a very good sport though...he forgot that he had the Santa hat on, and wore it for over an hour. He's such a big goofball.

Little Gordie kept the hat on for about 20 minutes, giving the silly people plenty of opportunities to take pictures of him wearing it. And he didn't get nearly as many treats as he could have. Well, he'll learn as he gets older!

I made friends with a 3 year old Husky named Kayna, she's really nice. Here we are hanging out:

Well, it was a lot of fun, and I am exhausted. I'm off to take a nap!

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  1. I don't DARE show that one pic with the young lady and you together or she'll be upset.
    Your party looked FANTASTIC and sure looked like a great time. I'd think you'd be allowed to take from the buffet...after all, it was a Huskey Party!

  2. Hey Indy,

    Looks like everydog had a great time, but 'Oh, the humility!' You were so lucky not havin' to wear a hat!!! Bet you tipped the cracker plate!



  3. Indy,

    Wow, it looks like you had a lot of fun with all those huskies. I hope you were plotting evils things to keep the humans on their toes later one during their festive holiday parties and things.

    Wish I could have been there for the fun, but I was napping.


  4. Sounds like a romping good time! Thanks for the pics!

  5. Wow, truly a Husky paradise. All those dogs in one room and not a single cat. I wish I was there.

  6. WOW!!! That looks like a really great party. So many Huskies in the house! So cool!

  7. What a gang and what a party!!!

    Glad you had such great fun and wishing you many more.

    Take care!

  8. Now thats a party,having so mush fun ,All the pictures are wonderful.but the last one is AWESOME .Thanks for the smile:)

  9. How awesome! That could never happen with cats. I'm glad you had so much fun!

  10. Oh, OH, I NEVER seed so many woofies in one place! I'm glad you had fun, 'esept for the hat thing, but boy am I glad I wasn't there!!

  11. Wow look at all those fur babies together! Looks like sooo much fun! I wish there was a way that we (on the blogging community) could all do that! That would be cool!

  12. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Wow, you guys are having so much fun. Great picture that last one!


  13. wow, look at all those huskies! What a great party. We only get that many huskies together for picnics at the dogpark during the summer. Your a lucky dog!
    Star and Sherman
