Friday, June 30, 2006

Big Fat Fakeout

This morning my mom told me I was going to school. She got ready to go, put my leash on, and after taking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to get her coffee, we went out, I peed and pooped in my usual potty spot, and then we drove to school. When mom tried to take me to the doggie day camp door, it was locked. So we went around to the front entrance, and there was a sign saying "Attention Campers: No Doggie Day Camp on June 30th or July 3rd. We will be closed on July 4th."

Mom has been away for two weeks, so she didn't know. She had to call her boss and tell him what happened. He laughed and said take your time. So mom had to take me home, make me some treats, and put me in my crate. Then she put on Animal Planet for me, like THAT would make up for being faked out about going to school, and left!

These is totally unacceptable treatment.


  1. Why do humans always think Animal Planet will make things all better?

  2. Oops! Bad grammar is unexcusable!
    'cause they're stupid!
