Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Price of Fame

My mom took this picture yesterday. She said with the way my legs are all pushing against the sides of my crate, I look like I'm stuck in there. Ha ha ha, very funny. Well, I LIKE my crate because the cool air from the air vents goes right through my crate, so I like to put my legs up so the cool air hits my tummy. Can't I have a little privacy? Jeez!


  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Your back legs do look a bit funny Indy!!! At least you had them together to protect your goods!

  2. Puparazzi are everywhere. We'd suggest grabbing a blankie to hide under while napping - but it's just too darned hot! Cooling tummies is important and a pup deserves some private time - a pups crate is his castle.

  3. Oh it does look a little cramp in your crate Indy. But you do look comfy sleeping there

    ~ girl girl

  4. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Woo Indy! I wanted to let you know.... yes I am a small sibe (about 43 lbs) that bandanna did not fit around me, ha roo! mom just placed it on me. Now, it did fit around Miss Tia! Thanks for leaving us a comment! We both appreciate it! Have a great Monday!

  5. Ok, you have the cutest pics of yourself in your crate!! You come up with the most interesting sleepy positions!


  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    When I do that with my paws against the wall Mum asks me if the wall is falling down...
