Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm at School!

My mom has not been feeling good this week. Yesterday she went to the doctor again and came home with a bunch of medicine. Turns out she has something called "bron-kite-iss". Maybe that's why she's been coughing so much. So yesterday evening Grandma came and picked me up, and I stayed at their house last night. I had so much fun running in the yard and playing with Amber!

Then this morning, Grandma put my leash on and took me in the car with her. She said she was taking me to school. I wasn't so sure, but then we were getting closer and closer to my school! I got very excited and started talking. Then Grandma took me inside and I got to play with all of my friends! You can watch us here.

My mom also found a new canned food for me. I eat a small breakfast, and I need to have probiotics and digestive enzymes with each meal, so she needs to give me some canned food to mix those in with. Wellness makes some good limited ingredient canned foods like beef, duck and potato, venison...yum!
I hope all of my friends are having a good weekend!


  1. It is soooo khool to see woo there!

    I hope woo have fun -

    Please hip chekhk some of your pals fur me!

    PeeEssWoo: My mom and I hope your mom feels better soon!

  2. Sounds like you are having fun, but hope your mom is feeling better soon.

  3. Your food sounds yummy, even if you have to have all those things it it to keep you well. Hope you mom feels better too! Maybe some of your stuff will help her?
    Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

  4. I'm sorry your mum is not feeling well Indy. Being sick is No Good. But at least you got to have a good time at school!

    Huffle Mawson

  5. Sorry to hear about your mom and hope she feels better soon. Yummy food description! Thanks for sharing the lovely pics, Have a good weekend!

