Friday, December 23, 2005

Me and Sebastian

If you remember, Sebastian is my best friend from day camp. Last week when it snowed, Jimmy, one of the people at Best Friends where I go to day camp, let me and Sebastian run around outside in the fenced backyard and took some pictures!

In this one I'm talking.
Click to enlarge

This one is my mommy's favorite. She said Sebastian and I look very handsome. That's Jimmy, our camp counselor. He's really cool.
Click to enlarge

This one is me and Sebastian checking out the snow.
Click to enlarge

In this one I was sniffing around under a tree. Mom says it's a very pretty picture, with me, the pine tree and the snow.
Click to enlarge

I hope you enjoyed my pictures!

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  1. you and sebastian sure are a couple handsome dudes! i hope you got more snow than that, it doesnt look deep enought to romp in, which is what snow is all about! My subordinate, Sherman, loves to make husky-angels in the snow, and we've had plenty of snow so far this year. i will howl to the snow-powers to send more of it your way. too!

  2. Ah, just read your message on our blog thing, we haven't quite figured out how to do this site yet and don't have much time to mess with it, but thanks! yes, when we figure it out, we'll post some more!

  3. Awesome pictures Indy! Merry Christmas!

  4. You sure talk a lot Indy. It's a good thing you are a Husky and therefore have interesting things to say. I'd hate to have to listen to people talk that much.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Most handsome indeed!

  6. One word...

    H~A~N~D~S~O~M~E !!!

