Thursday, December 15, 2005

My Friends from Doggie Day Camp

Wanna see my friends from Doggie Day Camp? This is Luna. I think she's beautiful! She is pretty shy, but she likes to play with me! She's tall and thin like me. Actually, she's only 3, but she's taller than me!

This is my best friend Sebastian. He's a white purebred Siberian Husky. On my first day at day camp, Sebastian and I got dropped off at the same time. I was so excited I started talking, and Sebastian started talking to me. We went into day camp together and we hit it off right away. Sebastian has separation anxiety, so they put is in the same doggie suite at nap time. That way Sebastian doesn't feel anxious and lonely. The people at the day camp say that we act like brothers.

He's a handsome guy, isn't he? He was pretty quiet and didn't talk much, but I've been teaching him to talk. Now he howls and talks to his dad at home. Today Jimmy, the day camp counselor, let me and Sebastian run around in the back yard because it was snowing. He took some pictures, and mom is going to take them to work and put them on her 'puter so I can put them on my blog. See you tomorrow!

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  1. "Wind whips across the ice"
    "when hunger strikes"
    "swipe some leftovers"
    "a craving for fresh fox meat for dessert"
    "the herd's playful youngsters"
    "the arctic fox dresses for success"
    "wrapping its long, luxurious tail around its head like a scarf"

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I love snow!! I play with my friend Dudley every day in that stuff. Its the best. Glad you're making friends and teaching them to talk - that's an art.


  3. My Mom says AAAAAAWWWWWW......

  4. Great pics and friends!

    Sebastian sure is one handsome fella!

  5. Oh the snow, we have LOTS and I like to bury my head and run straight into it under the snow.
    Only it makes me cold if it's snowing and cold at the same time bacause I barely have fur to keep me warm. Mommy puts my warm clothese on me and then I can stay out and play a lot longer.
    You're lucky you go to camp and make friends. You look liike you have cool friends too.
    Something called the government is maing me not allowed to play with friends, but Mommy tried to get me to the Bow Wow Pow Wow as often as possible and Mommy always tells ny aunties to make sue they bring their kids over so we can play together on the house.
    Tomorrow Mommy is going to talk to a trainer about me. I don't go this time, it's just for the Mommies and Daddies this time,but after we can all go and that will be fun. All the doggies will be Pit bulls and that should be even funner.
    I can't wait to see the pictures.

  6. Hey Indy,

    Those great pictures of Luna and Sebastian reminds my secretary of Black and White Blended Scotch Whisky, whatever that is.

    I miss the snow but my humans just laugh when they read that it snowed in Denver. I think that's mean.



  7. I especially like the photo of Sebastian with the fan.

  8. Those are both fantastic looking dogs, Indy. Thanks for the pics.

  9. I had a Wolf years ago, I named her, RonTu (Rontoo). She looked a lot like Luna, with the coloring of Sebastian. I don't know if owning a wolf dog is legal now a days. But we loved her and she was as gentle as a lamb.
