Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hanging Out With Amber

We had a busy day today. First mom clipped my toe hair, which I hate. I hate the scissors near my feet, even though she has never hurt me while clipping my toe hair. But the toe hair was getting really long and was making me slip a lot on smooth floors.

Then we went to see Meeko. We played in the play room, but it was hot inside and I didn't feel like being there. I kept peeing in different places in the room and Mom would have to clean it up! And Meeko was being annoying, he kept trying to hump me, even though I have made it CLEAR that I won't tolerate that! So Mom and I went to grandma's. Amber and I played outside. Grandma put a big plastic tray outside on the grass and filled it with the hose. I showed Amber how to stand in it and splash in it.

Then we were tired and we were laying down at the top the steps on the deck just watching the neighborhood. Mom thought we looked so cute, so she just had to take our picture. Sheesh!
Click to enlarge


  1. you guys look great. you both look very tired.

  2. hmmm..

    wondered why I hate the toe cutting experience too until my dady bought a real sharp clipper and no more pain.

  3. Classic pic of you two! Labs don't have much of a toe hair problem, but I have very big claws. Molly always takes me to the same lady who clips them. I trust her, but I don't enjoy it one bit. I feel your pain.

  4. I'm with your Mom on this one - you DO look cute!

  5. I was just thinking to myself today "how's Amber?" Thanks for the update.

  6. Hey Indy! Ya'll am so cute! Are you guys gonna transport over to mine party next month??? I'm gonna have a seperate part for my woofie furriends.

  7. That has got to be the most adorable picture!

  8. that is a great picture! you are both so cute!

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Have I barked that you are really cute in this pic? ;)
